Welcome to develop your sport club with us. Villages on the Move Go promotes the resilience and social sustainability of small and mainly voluntary sport clubs in rural areas.
Presentation of project
Our main tools
You can join our hackathons in 7 countries to make your sport club successful (follow the timetable)
Stories of the Fire Souls
We publish stories of passionate sport promoters, fire souls. The fire souls come from sport clubs, village associations, schools and sport institutions.
With our handbook you make your sport club succesfull. You can follow the collection of the handbook here and suggest your own good case studie to be added in the handbook.
Map application
With our map application you can search ideas, events and fire souls or share your own events and ideas.
Main events

Final conference of VOMGO
28 June 2022 in Leuven, Belgium
Exhibition of the fire souls in Sport
28 June – 30 June 2022
In Leuven, Belgium.
Erasmus+ Sport project Villages on the Move Go introduces stories of passionate persons activating people in 7 European countries. Stories in the exhibition are collected from rural sport clubs, federations and schools.

You are welcome to visit The Exhibition virtually!
Hackathons and Multiplier Events
Multiplier Event VOMGO
Date: 9 June 2022 at 15:00 p.m.
Place: Keilakukko, Mikkeli
ESLi and Mimosa has been cooperating since very first Villages on the move Baltic project Mimosa support immigrants and refugees in Southern Savo area. This time we are organizing multiplier event in order to tell and present to immigrants and refugees all possibilities for physical activities in local area. While doing that we will be active
Mimosa goes bowling! See you!
Date: 4 April 2022 at 12:00 p.m.
Place: Saimaa stadiumi, Mikkeli
How are young people involved in sports clubs?
Big question and many answers. Help us find them:
Join the VOMGO Hackathon 4 of April. We are brainstorming to find solutions for sportclubs to involve more young people.
Work in an international atmosphere with students and professionals. No previous knowledge required. As long as you are interested and motivated you are in the right space
Urheiluseurahackaton – nuoret yli seurarajojen
Date: 11 November 2020 at 17:00 p.m.
Place: Online event (Teams)
Registration: expired
Hackaton event by ESLi at Juva family sport day
Date: 22 October 2020 at 12:00 p.m.
Place: Sampolan vesiliikuntakeskus, Juva
Registration: expired
HACKATHON VOMGO ESLi and XAMK together with fire souls from Finland
Date: 29.4.2021
Place: Online event
Challenge: Cooperation with other sport clubs on local and regional level
Webinar in Dutch.
- Date: 29.9.2021 19:30-21:30
- Place: online (webinar)
- Contact: els.teijsen@ucll.be
- Info: https://research-expertise.ucll.be/nl/navormingen/villages-move-go-kijk-jij-mee-naar-de-sportclub-van-de-toekomst-webinar
Fire souls hackaton
Date: 14th January 2021 at 19:00 p.m. CET
Place: Online event (Teams) / Belgium
Hackathon was joined by fire souls who presented different challenges to be discussed:
- finding someone to help with technical skills in certain sports
- disciplines in sport clubs
- recruiting new members
- parents role
- finding volunteers …
International Week 2022
The Polytechnic of Leiria invites you to participate on the International Week that will take place from 9 – 13 May in Portugal. This will be a thematic week that will also include an Open Staff Week on the theme of mental, physical, and emotional health. In this activity you will be able to attend workshops that will focus on promoting a true wellness culture among students, teachers and staff.
PROGRAMME: Open Staff Week + International Week 2022
GO Ultimate 2022 – VOMGO Hackathon
Date: 9 April 2022, starting at 9:00 am
Place: Pavilhão do Lis, Cortes, Leiria
Está de volta a festa do ultimate para todos, com o Go Ultimate, torneio de iniciação à modalidade, com foco na experimentação das regras e introdução ao espírito do jogo através do intercâmbio entre jogadores federados e estreantes. Esta edição está integrada na participação LFO no projeto Villages On Move, enquanto oportunidade de descoberta e exploração do ultimate frisbee.
Go Ultimate: the ultimate party for everyone is back. This is the opportunity to play, discovering the rules and the spirit of the game mingling federated and rookie players. This edition is part of the Villages On Move project, as an opportunity to discover and explore the best of frisbee as a sport for all.
More information on Facebook
LFO Multiplier event and Hackathon
Date: 4 December 2021, starting at 9:30 am
Place: Jardim das Almoinhas, Leiria
LFO will make a Disc Golf tournment to see if can be fairly played between everyone equally, so we will have disabled people, elderly and children joining and share the experiences they had. Our Challenge is to have sports available equally and fairly to everyone.
VOMGO Multiplier event
Date: 22. April 2022
Place: Mozirje
VOMGO HACKATHON – Football and Volleyball
Date: 22. April 2022
Place: Velenje
More information coming soon..
Date: 1. April 2022, 5pm – 8pm
Place: Ljubljana

VOMGO HACKATHON – Physical Literacy
Date: 31. March 2022, 1pm – 3:30 pm
Place: Polzela
A #VillagesOnMove Hackathon was organized in Slovenia . After the speech from the Mayor of Polzela, Mojca Markovic presented #Erasmus+ project Villages on Move and its outcomes. During the main part of the event the participants discussed the impact of sport clubs on the development of local community and shared their experience. Special focus was on the barriers due to current pandemic and how to overcome them. At the end Polona Štajnar presented the project Health-friendly Organization.
Date: 7.8-8.8.2021
Place: Kahuna Surf house
Some kinds of sports let you fly! 🪁🏄♂️
This August (7/8-8/8), we had the chance to watch many athletes battle against wind and waves in the King of Kite Championship, one of the biggest Kite-Surfing competitions in Europe, taking place at the windy shores of Larnaka Softades beach, Kiti .
The event was a smashing success, with Kite-Surfers from around the globe giving their best to become the new Kings and Queens of this sport! The event was attended by over 1,500 people, who got to enjoy a spectacle that only Kite-Surfing can offer! The multiplier event was coordinated successfully by Mike Koliandris our EU Project Manager), Kahuna Surfhouse (Event Leader), Louka Pitot Kiteboarding (Redbull Athlete) Elias Elmanto (Project Firesoul). We want to thank them for making this Multiplier Sport Event possible!
Hackaton event by Center for Social Innovation Cyprus and fire soul sport club TALENTO Sports Academy
Date: 26th of September 2020
Place: Cyprus
A hackathon for physical activity promotion was organized by the Center for Social Innovation – CSI and the fire souls club TALENTO Sports Academy on the 26th of September, in the context of the Villages on Move Erasmus + project. It was an inspiring, entertaining, and active event where parents and children came together into challenging physical activity! 🏃
Idea generation multiplier and Hackathon event
Date: 11.9.2021
Place: Dobogókő, Hungary
In the chatelet there gathered almost 50 delegates of various tourist associations and discussed the change of organization possibilities as well as rejuvenalization opportunities in the touristic field. Ideas were gathered on cultural and touristic future activities, too. Crosskovacsi team presented the VOMGO project and its main outcomes and called for joining the project mission in popularizing sport and physical activities.
Volleyball Sport Event
Multiplier Sport Event
Date: 30th of October 2021 at 10.30 AM
Place: Rietavas, Lithuania
Contact: in Facebook
Hackathon: physical activity promotion in Lithuanian regions
Date: 15 October 2020 at 10:00 a.m.
Place: Kauno kolegija
Kauno kolegija vykdo “Erasmus+ Sport” projektą “Villages on the move GO”, kuris skatina savanoriškų sporto organizacijų veiklą bei socialinį tvarumą kaimiškose vietovėse. Jiems reikia paramos ir metodų, kaip organizuoti darbą, siekiant užtikrinti sveikatą stiprinančius fizinio aktyvumo veiklų prieinamumą skirtingoms tikslinėms grupėms: vaikams, suaugusiems, pagyvenusiems žmonėms bei specialioms grupėms, tokioms kaip imigrantai ar pabėgėliai.
Eskpertai, studentai, inovatoriai, pilietinių iniciatyvų vykdytojai ir kūrybiški piliečiai kviečiami dalyvauti diskusiniame seminare spalio 15 dieną ir kurti novatoriškas idėjas, siūlyti sprendimus, kurie gali padėti skatinti gyventojų fizinį aktyvumą bei sportą regionuose.
Seminaro tikslas – konkrečių ir efektyvių sprendimų atradimas, o ne tik idėjų pateikimas. Geriausi siūlymai bus atvirai skelbiami svetainėje www.villagesonmove.com, kad galėtų susipažinti visi besidomintys projekto veikla.
Kaunas University of Applied Sciences implements the Erasmus + Sport project “Villages on the move GO”, which promotes the activities and social sustainability of voluntary sport clubs in rural areas. These clubs and their organisators need support and methods of arranging work to ensure access to health-enhancing physical activity activities for different target groups: children, adults, the elderly and special groups such as immigrants or refugees.
Experts, students, innovators, civic initiators and creative citizens are invited to take part in a discussion seminar on 15 October to develop innovative ideas and solutions that can help promote physical activity and sport in the regions.
The aim of the seminar is to discover concrete and effective solutions, not just to present ideas.
The best proposals will be published on the website www.villagesonmove.com for everyone interested in the project.
- South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) – coordinator
- South-Savo Sports Federation (ESLi)
- Kauno Kolegija/ Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (KUAS)
- Polytechnic of Leiria (IPL)
- University College Leuven Limburg (UCLL)
- Crosskovacsi Sport and Environmental Association
- Center for Social Innovation (CSICY)
- Leiria Flying Objects Team (LFO)
- Sports Union of Slovenia (SUS)