Fire Souls of rural sports activating us! – find and read their amazing stories.
In small villages, suburbs and places the voluntary sport clubs activities are under a risk: the activities are often dependent on individual activators, local enthusiasts, “Fire Souls” whose voluntary work supports the actions alone.
In VOMGO -project we want to support the Fire Souls and find methods to distribute their work and develop tools to help them in ensuring the resilience of the sport clubs and physical activity. See all the fire souls of sport at one glance.
Esa Haapala is from Kontiolahden Urhelijat ry., biathlon club from Joensuu, Finland. He has developed the Biathlon stadium in Kontiolahti to a world famous biathlon venue. They organize a yearly World Cup competitions there, and they have had also two World Championship competitions. In December 2020 Esa was nominated as the chair of honor in the Finnish Biathlon Federation.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Esa Haapala 🇫🇮 | VOMGO
Organization: Kontiolahden Urheilijat ry.
Email: esa.haapala2@gmail.com
Esa Haapala on kehittänyt Kontiolahden ampumahiihtostadionista maailmankuulun kilpailupaikan. Vuosittain stadionilla järjestetään maailman Cupin osakilpailu, ja kaksi kertaa on järjestetty myös Maailmanmestaruuskisat ampumahiihdossa. Ampumahiihtoliiton syysliittokokous kutsui joulukuussa 2020 Esa Haapalan Suomen Ampumahiihtoliiton kunniapuheenjohtajaksi.
Elias Mantovanis has a passion for kitesurfing. He developed his own enterprise, Kahuna Surfhouse , to fullfill all needs of a kitesurfer, their families and friends and spectators of the sport. Elias discovered kitesurfing 20 years ago before it was a mainstream sport in Cyprus. After searching for knowledge and business models of kitesurfing abroad, he was the first one in Cyprus to become a certified instructor, gave up his ‘normal’ job and dedicated everything to his passion.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Elias Mantovanis 🇨🇾 | VOMGO
Organization: Kahuna Surfhouse
Email: info@kahunasurfhouse.eu
Το Kahuna Surfhouse είναι πλήρως εξοπλισμένο για να παρέχει όλες τις διευκολύνσεις που έχουν ανάγκη ένας kitesurfer, η οικογένεια και οι φίλοι του όπως επίσης και οι θεατές του αθλήματος. Ο Ηλίας ανακάλυψε το kitesurfing 20 χρόνια πριν να διαδοθεί σαν άθλημα στην Κύπρο. Εθίστηκε στο άθλημα και άρχισε να ταξιδεύει σε hotspots παγκοσμίως. Οι φίλοι του ζητούσαν να τους διδάξει (δεν υπήρχαν εκπαιδευτές στην Κύπρο). Έγινε πιστοποιημένος εκπαιδευτής, εγκατέλειψε τη «φυσιολογική» δουλειά του και αφιέρωσε τα πάντα στη δημιουργία ενός πλήρως εξοπλισμένου κέντρου surfing όπως είχε δει σε άλλες χώρες.
Rasa Semoškienė is an active member of Raudondvaris community. With her everyday activities she inspires people to move more and have healthy lifestyle. Every year she and her family organize a bicycle tour for their community members and friends.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Rasa Semoškienė 🇱🇹 | VOMGO
Organization: Raudondvaris community
Email: rasasemos@gmail.com
Rasa Semoškienė yra aktyvi Raudondvario bendruomenės narė. Savo kasdiene veikla ji įkvepia žmones daugiau judėti ir sveikai gyventi. Ji ir jos šeima kiekvienais metais organizuoja dviračių turo dieną savo bendruomenės nariams bei draugams.
Marisa Barroso is a teacher at IPL, Leiria, Portugal. Her passion is to pass her students the role of Portuguese culture, mainly Traditional Dances. Marisa Barroso is organising a big event in Leiria, All Dance. There, it doesn’t matter if an individual doesn’t know how to dance, the important thing is that everyone move and respect each other while having fun. Marisa’s students teach traditional dances in All Dance in the real life context to a group of people with diversity of several generations, nationalities and cultures.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Marisa Barroso 🇵🇹 | VOMGO
Organization: Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL) / All Dance
Email: marisa.barroso@ipleiria.pt
Marisa Barroso é uma jovem professora do IPL, Leiria, Portugal. Marisa tenta transmitir aos seus alunos o papel das danças tradicionais na cultura portuguesa. Esta professora é a responsável pelo evento All Dance que ocorre todos os anos em Leiria. Este é um evento importante para a cidade pois não importa se os participantes não sabem dançar, o importante é que haja respeito e muitadiversão. O All Dance é um evento no qual a professora Marisa Barroso coloca os seus alunos em palco, para que estes ensinem uma parte da cultura portuguesa, as danças tradicionais. Os estudantes partilham o seu conhecimento num contexto em que existe uma grande diversidade de culturas, gerações e nacionalidades.
Mira Loponen represents Viinijärven urheilijat, a Finnish Baseball “Pesis” club in Eastern Finland. The club is specialized in women’s teams, but they also have nowadays men playing in a recreational team.
The club has earlier been in the highest level in the League in Finland, and now the board is making hard work to develop their own young players’ teams to be able to rise again the steps towards the League.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Mira Loponen 🇫🇮 | VOMGO
Organization: Viinijärven Urheilijat ry
Email: mira.c.loponen@gmail.com
Mira Loponen johtaa naisten pesäpalloseurana tunnettua Viinijärven Urheilijoita. Nykyisin heillä tosin on myös miehiä pelaamassa ”höntsä”pesistä. Seuralla on maineikas historia naisten pesäpallosarjoissa. Nyt ViU:n hallitus Miran johdolla tekee hartiavoimin töitä nostaakseen nuoret joukkueensa takaisin kohti ylintä sarjatasoa.
László Schőnviszky has been the president of MTE since 2009. Established in 1891, MTE is one of the most important tourist associations in Hungary. At present it has over 500 members, and they organize excursions, races, cultural events and get-togethers throughout the year. It also operates the tourist house in Dobogókő
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | László Schőnviszky 🇭🇺 | VOMGO
Organization: Magyar Turista Egyesület (MTE)
Email: mte.elnok@gmail.com
A Magyar Turista Egyesület (MTE) Magyarország legrégebbi és egyik legjelentősebb turista egyesülete. Schőnviszky László 2009 óta vezeti az egyesületet.
Seppo Tiihonen (1944-2022) says that “Developing hobbies benefits the community, but you need to be willing to “sacrifice” your own time”. In Seppo’s club all activities are based on voluntary pursuits.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Seppo Tiihonen 🇫🇮 | VOMGO
Organization: Mikkelin Latu ry
Email: mikkelinlatu@gmail.com (not private)
Seppo Tiihosen mukaan “Mikkelin Latu ry tukee ja edistää kaikenikäisten kansalaisten ulkoilua ja liikunnallista elämäntapaa. Harrastustoiminnassa on paljon tekemistä yhteiseksi hyväksi, mutta omaa aikaa pitää olla valmis uhraamaan. Omassa yhdistyksessäni kaikki toiminta perustuu vapaaehtoiseen harrastamiseen.”
Jan Smeyers has been elected as King and headman (chairman) of Sint-Sebastiaansgilde, a traditional marksmen’s guild. They practice archery (handbows), but they also are a cultural association. In 2022, the club will celebrate its 600th anniversary. “Unsolicited and unpaid”: that is the true guild spirit.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Jan Smeyers 🇧🇪 | VOMGO
Organization: Saint Sebastians guild of Retie
Email: smeyersjan@telenet.be
Op 31 jarige leeftijd in 1988 is Jan samen met zijn vrouw bij de schuttersgilde gegaan. Een jaar later werd hij koning van deze gilde en in 1991 werd hij verkozen tot hoofdman (voorzitter) van deze schuttersgilde. Dat is hij tot op heden nog steeds. De gilde is niet alleen een schuttersgilde (handboog) maar ook een culturele vereniging. In 2022 bestaat de club 600 jaar. “Ongevraagd en onbetaald”: dat is de echte gildegeest.
Miguel André loves the sea. First he started practicing bodyboarding as a hobby during his Summer holidays and then he became a lifeguard. Later he graduated from Sports and Physical Education university and founded a surfing and bodyboarding school. Since the opening in 2006 MURILLO`S Surf & Bodyboard ACADEMY has served hundreds of clients, Portuguese and foreign.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Miguel André 🇵🇹 | VOMGO
Organization: Murillo’s Surf and Bodyboard Academy
Email: miguel.andre@murillosacademy.com
Miguel André está ligado ao mar desde a infância. Começou a praticar bodyboard como hobby nas férias de verão, depois tornou-se salva-vidas, depois formou-se em Desporto e Educação Física e fundou uma escola de surf e bodyboard. Desde a sua inauguração em 2006 a escola recebeu centenas de pessoas, portuguesas e estrangeiras.
Liam Iakovou represents rock climbing sport. They climb up, down or across natural rock formations in Cyprus or artificial rock walls.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Liam Iakovou 🇨🇾 | VOMGO
Organization: Climbing club – RedPoint (coming soon)
Email: not available
Η αναρρίχηση είναι ένα άθλημα στο οποίο οι συμμετέχοντες ανεβαίνουν πάνω, κάτω ή κατά μήκος φυσικών πετρωμάτων ή τεχνητών βράχων.
Erkki Tervo is representing Keurusjumppa ry. gymnastic club in a rural town in Finland. He is a specialist in making facilities for gymnastics, and he has helped tens of clubs and training centers to develop their gyms and equipment in Finland. As a lecturer in the University of Jyväskylä he educated gymnastics for PE teachers for several decades.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Erkki Tervo 🇫🇮 | VOMGO
Organization: Keurusjumppa ry.
Email: erkki.tervo@gmail.com
Erkki Tervo edustaa Keurusjumppa ry:tä. Hän on voimisteluolosuhteiden suvereeni asiantuntija Suomessa ja on auttanut kymmeniä seuroja ja valmennuskeskuksia Suomessa kehittämään voimistelun olosuhteitaan. Toimiessaan yliopistolehtorina Jyväskylässä hän opetti telinevoimistelua tuleville liikunnanopettajille vuosikymmenien ajan.
Rasa Simanavičienė represents sport dance club “Junda”. They provide dancing lessons for all ages and organize concerts, competitions, festivals, parties, also summer camps for children. The goal of the club is to bring together as many people as possible for a cultural and active sports leisure.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Rasa Simanavičienė 🇱🇹 | VOMGO
Organization: Dance club “Junda”
Email: rasa.simana@gmail.com
Rasa Simanavičienė atstovauja sportinių šokių klubui „Junda“. Jie rengia šokių pamokas įvairaus amžiaus asmenims ir organizuoja šokių konkursus, festivalius, koncertus bei vakarėlius, taip pat vasaros stovyklas vaikams. Klubo tikslas – suburti kuo daugiau žmonių kultūringam, aktyviam, sportiškam laisvalaikiui.
Attila Mátyus is the president of Crosskovácsi SKE. The club organizes the annual event of the Crosskovácsi MTB race and the adjoining trail running race. It also runs a bike school and operates as a hub in the region.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Attila Mátyus 🇭🇺 | VOMGO
Email: crosskovacsi.se@gmail.com
Mátyus Attila a Crosskovácsi Sport és Környezetvédő Egyesület elnöke, és a Crosskovácsi MTB verseny fő szervezője. Az egyesület a népszerű, évente megrendezésre kerülő hegyikerékpár verseny mellett egyéb MTB versenyeket, tájfutóversenyeket és terepfutóversenyeket is rendez, és közösségformáló hatása is elvitathatatlan.
Carlos Carmino is a physical education teacher, a coach and an athlete who does not live without sports. He represents the Leiria Marcha Atlética Clube. He is one of the establishers of this small club in Leiria. During his carrier Carlos has coached several athletes, who has participated important racewalking competitions, including the Olympic Games.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Carlos Carmino 🇵🇹 | VOMGO
Organization: Leiria Marcha Atlética Clube
Email: carlos.carmino@gmail.com
Carlos Carmino é professor de educação física, treinador e um atleta que não vive sem desporto. Representa o Leiria Marcha Atlética Clube, um pequeno clube de Leiria, que ajudou a fundar. Durante sua carreira como técnico, ele tem ajudado vários atletas a prepararem-se para competições importantes, inclusive para os Jogos Olímpicos.
Carlos Vieira (1952-2020) the “firefighter-cyclist”, had the passion for cycling. He started his career as a professional cyclist at a very young age and went through several clubs, representing them in competitions. At the União de Ciclismo de Leiria he was the manager, the coach, and the inspiration for the younger cyclists.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Carlos Vieira 🇵🇹 | VOMGO
Organization: União de Ciclismo de Leiria
Email: info@ucl.pt (not private)
Carlos Vieira R.I.P., o “bombeiro-ciclista”, representa a paixão pelo ciclismo. Iniciou a sua carreira como ciclista profissional ainda muito jovem e passou por vários clubes, representando-os em competições. Na União de Ciclismo de Leiria foi o gestor, o treinador e a inspiração dos mais jovens.
Zdenko Benčič represents Sports club Vrhpolje. The club was established in 2002, and has now 30 members. Village Vrhpolje is a part of the Municipality Hrpelje – Kozina, the whole municipality has a little more than 4 thousand citizens. The club organizes several sport events for recreatives, the most popular is called Vrhpoljada. Fifteen volunteers and three trainers organize sport activities to the local community (futsal, cycling, hiking, Nordic walking).
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Zdenko Benčič 🇸🇮 | VOMGO
Organization: Sports Recreative Club Vrhpolje
Email: zdenko.bencic@gmail.com
Športno društvo Vrhpolje organizira več športnih dogodkov za reakreativne športnike, najbolj znann se imenuje Vrhpoljada. 15 prostovoljcev in trije usposobljeni trenerji zagotavljajo športne dejavnosti za skupnost, kot so futsal, nordijska hoja, kolesarjenje. Klub je bil ustanovljen leta 2002 in ima 30 uradnih članov in se nahaja v vasi Vrhpolje, ki je del občine Hrpelje-Kozina. Celotna občina ima samo 4 tisoč prabivalcev.
Ayisat Yusuf represents Monaliiku ry. They provide physical activities and inclusion among immigrant women and immigrant families. Ayisat has strong passion and interest for sport, women empowerment and equality.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Ayisat Yusuf 🇫🇮 | VOMGO
Organization: Monaliiku ry
Email: ayizat7@yahoo.com
Giedrė Žlibinienė is a physical education teacher at Rietavas Laurynas Ivinskis Gymnasium. Her disciplines are dance, aerobic, volleyball and fitness exercise. She organizes games and challenges that promote physical activity not only among children and young adults, but also adults and elderly within Rietavas community.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Giedrė Žlibinienė 🇱🇹 | VOMGO
Organization: Rietavas Laurynas Ivinskis Gymnasium
Email: lenggrete@gmail.com
Giedrė Žlibinienė yra Rietavo Lauryno Ivinskio gimnazijos kūno kultūros mokytoja. Jos propaguojamos fizinio aktyvumo formos yra linijiniai ir aerobiniai šokiai, tinklinis bei sveikatingumo mankštos. Ji kartu su bendraminčiais organizuoja žaidimus ir iššūkius, skatinančius fizinį aktyvumą ne tik vaikams ir jaunimui, bet ir visai Rietavo bendruomenei.
Jef Denruyter is trainer, administrator and youth and event coordinator of Gymnastics club Tienen. Together with the swimming club they are the largest sports club in Tienen. The club offer sports for all ages. They have also introduced new sports such as freerunning and parkours. Recently they invested in a new hall. Next year also people with special needs can enjoy sports in Gymnastics club Tienen.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Jef Denruyter 🇧🇪 | VOMGO
Organization: Gymnastics club Tienen
Email: jef.denruyter@gymclubtienen.be
Jef is trainer, administrateur en jeugd- en evenementencoördinator van de sportclub. Samen met de zwemclub is de gymclub de grootste sportclub in Tienen. Ze bieden sporten aan voor alle leeftijden. Ook hebben ze nieuwe sporten geïntroduceerd zoals freerunning en parcours. Het 650ste lid heeft zich onlangs ingeschreven. Ze hebben een nieuwe zaal sinds kort. Volgend jaar zullen ze ook starten met G-sport.
Marios Argyrou is the founder of TALENTO Sports Academy, a multisport academy, which aims to engage kids from the age of 3 in the sports environment and philosophy. The club is very innovative in the field of sports and they aim at intervening with the whole family.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Marios Argyrou 🇨🇾 | VOMGO
Organization: Talento Sports Academy
Email: margyrou9@hotmail.com
Ο Μάριος είναι ο ιδρυτής της Αθλητικής Ακαδημίας TALENTO, μιας ακαδημίας διαφόρων αθλημάτων, η οποία στοχεύει να προσελκύσει παιδιά από την ηλικία των 3 στο αθλητικό περιβάλλον και φιλοσοφία. To Talento Sports είναι μια καινοτόμα ακαδημία στο χώρο του αθλητισμού με στόχο την παρέμβαση σε όλη την οικογένεια.
Sara Brito is a physical education teacher and trail athlete who represented Portugal many times in Trail Competitions. At the club Sara stimulates the younger generations to enjoy the wellbeing and appreciate the pleasure of little moments in quotidian, she also desires that each of them respects each other. Sara intends to continue to be the role model for her students and for her young athletes at the club. She wants to inspire them to practise physical activity and to know the importance of that to the human wellbeing.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Sara Brito 🇵🇹 | VOMGO
Organizations: Clube de Atletismo da Barreira (Athlectics),
Escola Secundária Francisco Rodrigues Lobo (Highschool)
Email: sabrito70@gmail.com
Sara Brito é uma professora de educação física e uma atleta de Trail que representou Portugal inúmeras vezes em competições internacionais. No seu clube, Sara estimula uma nova geração de praticantes a desfrutar do bem-estar (da prática de atividade física) e também dos pequenos momentos do quotidiano, igualmente quer que haja respeito mútuo entre os seus atletas. Sara pretende continuar a ser um exemplo para os seus estudantes e para os seus atletas, tenciona inspirar a geração mais jovem a praticar atividade física e em simultâneo a reconhecerem a importância da mesma no bem-estar do ser humano
Alojz and Stanka Kuplenk represent sports club Sports club Dobrepolje that was established in 1995. Municipality Dobrepolje has 3850 citizens. Alojz Kuplenk is the president of Sports club Dobrepolje and he is responsible for organisation and coordination of club’s programmes: recreative basketball, volleyball and futsal. They have also organized exercise programme for adults and elderly. The club has 120 members, 4 trainers and 10 volunteers.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Alojz and Stanka Kuplenk 🇸🇮 | VOMGO
Organization: Sports club Dobrepolje
Email: sd.dobrepolje@siol.net
Športno društvo se nahaja v vasi Dobrepolje in je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1995. Občina Dobrepolje ima 3850 prebivalcev. Stankin mož Alojz Kuplenk je predsednik društva in je odgovoren za organizacijo in koordinacijo športnih programov društva, ki vključujejo rekreativno košarko, rekreativno odbojko, futsal, in vodene vadbe za starejše. Društvo ima 120 članov, 4 trenerje in 10 prostovoljcev.
Anna Haapalainen is a Physical Education and health education teacher from Mikkeli, Finland. She uses several digital apps and in PE and health education, where she has developed several materials herself and shared them for colleagues.
For this work she has been nominated “The teacher of Health education of the year” in Finland. Anna loves her work, and she is active also herself when having free time. Gymnastics, dance and outdoor activities give her joy and wellbeing.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Anna Haapalainen 🇫🇮 | VOMGO
Organization: Rantakylä school in Mikkeli
Email: anna.haapalainen@sivistys.mikkeli.fi
Anna Haapalainen on liikunnan ja terveystiedon opettaja Mikkelin Rantakylän yhtenäiskoulusta. Hän käyttää opetuksessaan lukuisia eri digitaalisia sovelluksia ja tekee niihin materiaaleja, joita hän jakaa myös kollegoidensa kanssa.
Anna on valittu ansioistaan Vuoden terveystiedon opettajaksi Suomessa. Anna rakastaa työtään ja liikkuu itsekin aktiivisesti vapaa-aikanaan. Voimistelu, tanssi ja ulkoilu antavat hänelle iloa ja hyvinvointia.
Tamás Egei comes from a small village and although he no longer lives in Kincsesbánya, he wants to boost the sporting life there. They started organizing trail run races for primary school children in the village with a couple of his childhood friends.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Tamás Egei 🇭🇺 | VOMGO
Organization: Kincses-Cross SKE
Email: euepitoalpin@gmail.com
Tamás egy kis faluból származik, és bár már nem ott lakik, fel akarja lendíteni az ottani sportéletet. Emiatt terepfutó versenyeket kezdtek szervezni a faluban pár gyermekkori barátjával, főleg általános iskolások számára.
José Artur represents the Speleology Nucleus of Leiria (NEL) and is one of its founders. NEL started in 1981 with speleology, but now its members practice many other sports, such as climbing, diving, paragliding, trail – and the club remains open to new interests. NEL is a group of friends and they love to be connected with nature.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | José Artur 🇵🇹 | VOMGO
Organization: Núcleo de Espeleologia de Leiria
Email: zeartur1@gmail.com
José Artur representa o Núcleo de Espeleologia de Leiria (NEL) e é um dos seus fundadores. O NEL começou em 1981 com a espeleologia, mas os seus membros praticam hoje muitas outras modalidades, como escalada, mergulho, parapente, trail, e o clube continua aberto a novos interesses. O NEL é um clube que gosta muito de desporto, sempre em comunhão com a natureza e é, acima de tudo, um grupo de amigos.
Dainius Čiuprinskas represents “Tornado” basketball school in Kaunas and Kaunas district. They have more than 850 young basketball players practicing their skills. Every year the school organizes a few social physical activity events that involves the whole community.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Dainius Čiuprinskas 🇱🇹 | VOMGO
Organization: Basketball school “Tornadas”
Email: dainius.ciuprinskas@tornadas.lt
Dainius Čiuprinskas yra Kauno “Tornado” krepšinio mokyklos direktorius. Jie turi daugiau nei 850 jaunų krepšininkų, praktikuojančių savo įgūdžius. Kiekvienais metais mokykla organizuoja keletą socialinių akcijų apie fizinį aktyvumą, į kurias įtraukiami ne tik darbuotojai, bet ir visa sporto mokyklos bendruomenė.
Petri Tikkanen has made huge development work in RiU multidisciplinary sport club with different sport activities for everyone. The club owns dancing center Metsälinna, where they are organizing different events and have over 10 000 visitors every summer.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Petri Tikkanen 🇫🇮 | VOMGO
Organization: Ristiinan Urheilijat ry (RiU)
Email: p.tikkanen@gmail.com
Ristiinan Urheilijat r.y. on yleisseura, jossa on lajeina yleisurheilu, hiihto, lentopallo, salibandy ja harrasteliikunta. Lisäksi seuralla on omistuksessa huvi- ja tanssikeskus Metsälinna, missä järjestetään tansseja muita tapahtumia kesä-syyskuun välisenä aikana. Metsälinnassa on kesän aikana yli 10000 käyntiä eri tapahtumissa.
Stelios Papageorgiou is the founder of Akamas Sports Club and a passionate individual actively involved in various sports activities. He creates and promotes events and sports opportunities in Cyprus and especially in his hometown Paphos.
Akamas Sports Club is a Rhythmic and Artistic Gymnastics club based in Paphos. The purpose of the club is to give the opportunity to all children, to be actively involved in sports, love sports, socialize, increase confidence and quality of their life.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Stelios Papageorgiou 🇨🇾 | VOMGO
Organization: Akamas Sports Club
Email: papageoste@gmail.com
O Ακάμας είναι ένας νέος Πολιτιστικός – Γυμναστικός σύλλογος με έδρα την Πάφο. Σκοπός ίδρυσης του συλλόγου είναι να δώσει την ευκαιρία σε όλα τα παιδιά, να ασχοληθούν ενεργά με τον αθλητισμό, να αγαπήσουν τον αθλητισμό, να κοινωνικοποιηθούν, να αναπτύξουν αυτοπεποίθηση και ποιότητα στο τρόπο ζωής τους.
Ο Στέλιος είναι ένα παθιασμένο άτομο που συμμετέχει ενεργά σε διάφορες αθλητικές δραστηριότητες και είναι ιδρυτής του Γυμναστικού συλλόγου Ακάμας. Δημιουργεί και να προωθεί εκδηλώσεις και αθλητικές ευκαιρίες στην Κύπρο και ιδιαίτερα στην πόλη του Πάφο.
Manuel Sousa is a Fire Soul from Portugal. Although his physical limitations he has a powerful soul that led him to establish his club APD – Leiria. Manuel has represented Portugal in several countries and has done challenging sports like karting, athletics, skydiving, sailing and others. Manuel is a perfect example of a selfless person who loves what he does, from the bottom of his heart.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Manuel Sousa 🇵🇹 | VOMGO
Organization: APD – Leiria (Associação Portuguesa de Deficientes – Leiria)
Email: info-leiria@apd.org.pt
Manuel Sousa é uma Fire Soul de Portugal. Apesar das suas visiveis limitações tem uma garra que o levou a fundar o seu clube, representar Portugal em vários países e a fazer vários desportos como karting, atletismo, salto de paraquedas, navegar, entre outros. Manuel é o exemplo perfeito de uma pessoa altruista que adora o que faz, do fundo do seu coração.
Miha Kobe represents basketball club Eagles Postojna. The club provides basketball programmes to citizens of Postojna in both, grassroots sport and competitive sport. Municipality Postojna has 16.000 citizens. Even though the club was established only three years ago, the club already has 80 members. With the idea to connect all members they organize several sport events throughout the whole year. In this way they get to know and play sports with each other.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Miha Kobe 🇸🇮 | VOMGO
Organization: Basketball Club Eagles Postojna
Email: miha.kobe@kkorlipostojna.si
Košarkarski klub Orli Postojna zagotavlja programe za občane Postojne, tako rekrativne kot tekmovalne. Postojna ima 16000 prebivalcev. Trije košarkarski trenerji vzgajajo nove košarkarske upe, nudijo pa tudi programe za začetnike in odrasle rekreativce. Klub je bil ustanovljen pred tremi leti, kljub temu pa ima že 80 uradnih članov. Z željo povezovnja skupnosti organizirajo raazlične dogodke skozi celotno leto, kjer se lahko občani zabavajo in družijo ob igranju športa.
Anna Astikainen is a gymnast from her heart. She has created her own job in Savonlinnan Voimistelu ja Liikunta artistic gymnastic club. After a big investment she now works in a new built gym as the executive manager.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Anna Astikainen 🇫🇮 | VOMGO
Organization: Savonlinnan Voimistelu ja Liikunta
Email: savoli@outlook.com
Anna Astikainen on sydämeltään voimistelija. Hän on luonut oman työpaikkansa Savonlinnan Voimistelu ja liikunta – telinevoimisteluseurassa. Suuren investoinnin jälkeen hän saa nyt työskennellä toiminnanjohtajana täysin uudessa salissa.
Audronė Vizbarienė represents the Republican association of preschool physical education teachers. The organization unites teachers from all Lithuanian regions, organizes education and leading projects for physical activity promotion among preschool children.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Audronė Vizbarienė 🇱🇹 | VOMGO
Organization: Respublikinė ikimokyklinio ugdymo kūno kultūros pedagogų asociacija (RIUKKPA)
Email: riukkpa@gmail.com
Audronė Vizbarienė yra Respublikinės ikimokyklinio ugdymo kūno kultūros pedagogų asociacijos (RIUKKPA) prezidentė. Ši organizacija vienija pedagogus iš visų Lietuvos regionų, vykdo šviečiamąją bei projektinę veiklą, susijusią su ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų fizinio aktyvumo skatinimu.
Isabel Monteiro is a Fire Soul from Portugal. She is one of the original founding members of COC – Center Orientation Club. Besides being a devoted athlete with a lot of passion for the sport, she has worked for good management in the club. She has joined in organizing the veteran world’s championship in 2008 and Portugal-O-meeting in 2004, both held near Leiria.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Isabel Monteiro 🇵🇹 | VOMGO
Organization: COC – Clube de Orientação do Centro
Email: info@coc.pt
Isabel Monteiro é uma Fire Soul de Portugal. É um dos membros iniciais do que tornaria o COC – Clube de Orientação do Centro de hoje. Além de ser uma atleta devota com imensa paixão pelo desporto, ela é uma pedra basilar na gestão do clube. Ela também ajudou na gestão de dois grandes eventos na região, o campeonato do mundo de veteranos em 2008 e o Portugal-o-meeting em 2004. Ambos grandes eventos que necessitaram de imensas pessoas, imensos recursos, preparação e paixão.
Andreas Theodorou is a nature and outdoors lover and enthusiast. He has established the Cyprus Downhill Club and he has been a professional mountain biker for the last 3 years, racing both in local and international events.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Andreas Theodorou 🇨🇾 | VOMGO
Organization: Cyprus Downhill Club
Email: andreas190593@gmail.com
Λάτρης της φύσης και της υπαίθρου. Είναι επαγγελματίας ποδηλατικής κατάβασης τα τελευταία 3 χρόνια, και αγωνίζεται σε τοπικούς και διεθνείς αγώνες.
Elisabeth Cans represents G-sport Tienen vzw sport club. The sports club offers tennis, dance, gymnastics and swimming to children and adults with disabilities. The ages of the participants range from 6 to 60. They work a lot with volunteers, to whom they pass on their knowledge of the sport and their teaching skills. Elisabeth mainly coaches the gymnasts and the dancers. She is also the coordinator of the club.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Elisabeth Cans 🇧🇪 | VOMGO
Organization: G-sport Tienen vzw
Email: elisabeth.cans@ucll.be
De sportclub biedt tennis, dans, gym en zwemmen aan kinderen en volwassen met een beperking aan. De leeftijden van de deelnemers gaan van 6 tot 60. Ze werken veel met vrijwilligers aan wie ze hun kennis van de sport en hun didactische vaardigheden doorgeven. Elisabeth begeleidt voornamelijk de gymnasten en de dansers. Ze is ook de coördinator van de club.
Gyula Pásztor is a physical education teacher and a coach in the Kiskörős area in Hungary. However, he is much more than that. He has inspired and motivated people of various ages to get engaged in movement and sport and created communities around health related activities. Besides general PE tasks in schools he has also raised generations of athletes in gymnastics, handball, football and swimming.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Gyula Pásztor 🇭🇺 | VOMGO
Organization: Kiskőrösi Petőfi Sándor Evangélikus Iskola
Email: crosskovacsi.se@gmail.com (not private)
Pásztor Gyula testnevelő tanár és edző a Kiskörős térségében. Ő azonban ennél sokkal több. Mozgásra ösztönzi és motiválja az embereket, kortól függetlenül és inspiráló, jókedvű közösségeket hoz létre az egészségmegőrzéssel kapcsolatos tevékenységeken keresztül. Az iskolai testnevelési feladatokon túl edzőként tornász, kézilabda, futball és úszás sportolók generációit is felnevelte.
Clara Leão is a Fire Soul from Portugal. She is a professor and director of Escola de Dança Clara Leão that accepts to teach classes to any individual as she defends dance is for everyone! She aims for people in the future to experience dancing and feel the extraordinary power it has on allowing each person to discover themselves.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Clara Leão 🇵🇹 | VOMGO
Organization: Escola De Dança Clara Leão
Email: clara.leao@ipleiria.pt
Clara Leão é uma Fire Soul de Portugal. É professora e diretora da Escola de Dança Clara Leão e aceita dar aulas a qualquer individuo pois defende que a dança serve para todos!
Clara Leão chegou a Leiria há vários anos e desempenhou um papel fulcral no desenvolvimento da dança na cidade. Pretende que no futuro mais indivíduos experimentem a dança para sentirem a extraordinária capacidade que esta tem de promover a descoberta de si próprio.
Martina Hirschmann represents Sports club Ando Hirschmann. The club is a member of the Association of Mixed Martial Arts and submission grappling of Slovenia A.M.A.H. since 2005 and participates in the national championships in Jiu-jitsu submission grappling (ground fight, Combat Jiu Jitsu).
The club is also a member of the Sports Union of Slovenia from 2013 to 2014 and obtained the Healthy Association Quality Label by promoting healthy lifestyle and physical activity to strengthen health through appropriate planning, management and implementation in recreational sports programs.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Martina Hirschmann 🇸🇮 | VOMGO
Organization: Sports club Ando Hirschmann
Email: martinaagv@gmail.com
Društvo je član Zveze mešanih borilnih veščin in submission grappling Slovenije A.M.A.H. od leta 2005 in sodeluje na državnih prvenstvih v Jiu-jitsu submission grappling (parterna borba, Combat Jiu Jitsu ).
Društvo je član Športne unije Slovenije od leta 2013 in v letu 2014 je pridobilo Znak kakovosti Zdravo društvo z omogočanjem in spodbujanjem zdravega življenjskega sloga in telesne dejavnosti za krepitev zdravja z ustreznim načrtovanjem, vodenjem, izvajanjem in ovrednotenjem športno rekreativnih programov.
Markku Häkkinen represents Juvan Kisa ry (JiiKoo) sport club. The club was established to promote football in Juva. Later also floorball. No paid employees; all people involved are volunteers.
“Seuramme on perustettu aikoinaan edistämään jalkapalloilua Juvalla. Vuonna 1997 lajivalikoimaan tuli mukaan salibandy ja sähly. Jäseniä seurassamme on n. 200. Palkattua henkilöä meillä ei tällä hetkellä ole lainkaan, kaikki toimivat vapaaehtoisina.“
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Markku Häkkinen 🇫🇮 | VOMGO
Organization: http://www.juvankisa.fi/
Email: markku.hakkinen@ppc.inet.fi
Ádám Lengyel is representing Tabáni Spartacus SKE which is the biggest orienteering club in Hungary. Ádám is a very young but enthusiastic orienteering coach in the club and also the executive president. He trains mainly children.
Lengyel Ádám képviseli a Tabáni Spartacus SKE-t, amely Magyarország legnagyobb tájfutó klubja. Ádám nagyon fiatal, de lelkes tájfutó edző, és ügyvezető elnök is a klubban. Főleg gyerekeket oktat.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Ádám Lengyel 🇭🇺 | VOMGO
Organization: http://www.tabanispartacus.hu/tajfuto/wordpress/
Email: lengyel.adam96@gmail.com
Helena Manninen represents Haukivuoren kisailijat ry sport club. It is a multidisciplinary sport club with different divisions: track and field, skiing, fitness, orienteering, gymnastics and ball sports. The club offers wide range of sport possibilities for all ages.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Helena Manninen 🇫🇮 | VOMGO
Organization: Haukivuoren kisailijat ry
Email: helena.manninen@haukivuori.fi
Irma Maurienė represents Vilkaviškis Nordic Walking Club. The aim of their activities and ideas is to promote Nordic walking as a great form of leisure physical activity and to develop modern approach to exercise and healthy lifestyle.
Irma Maurienė atstovauja Vilkaviškio šiaurietiško ėjimo klubą. Mūsų veiklos ir idėjų tikslas – populiarinti šiaurietišką ėjimą, kaip puikią sporto šaką, laisvalaikio leidimo formą, formuoti šiuolaikišką požiūrį į mankštinimąsi, plėtoti sveiką gyvenseną.
Video: FIRE SOULS OF SPORT | Irma Maurienė 🇱🇹 | VOMGO
Organization: Vilkaviškis Nordic Walking Club
Email: nwcvilkaviskis@gmail.com